Stående vindspil

  1. Paradise Flower Illusion
    Paradise Flower Illusion

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Beautify gardens, porches and balconies year round with our spinning wind flowers.
    Width: 35 cm / 14

    Height: 82 cm / 32

  2. Paradise Flower Rainbow
    Paradise Flower Rainbow

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Beautify gardens, porches and balconies year round with our spinning wind flowers.
    Width: 35 cm
    Height: 82 cm

  3. Spin Critter Hund
    Spin Critter Hund

    Stående vindspil sættes i jorden, krukker eller tilsvarende hvor de står og roterer i et eller flere led. De findes i et hav af fantasifulde motiver, så mest af alt drejer det sig som at finde det motiv som du ønsker - og den rette størrelse.

    De mindre, stående vindspil er set i mange altan- og plantekasser hvor de holder måger, duer og andre ønskede fugle på afstand - og så er de tilmed sjove at se på.

    Størrelse: 44 x 63 cm. (bxh)

  4. Billy

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Share your spirit for the changing seasons, the holidays or the memory of a magical vacation with our whimsical lawn fashions. Delight your family and friends with their beautiful colors and spinning tops. Billy also makes an excellent scarecrow for your vegetable patch! Our yard birds can add a little something extra to every nook. With fancy spinning tail feathers they rotate freely and act just like a weathervane. Innovative plug-in components for tail units improve durability and ease of assembly. Made with fade-resistant ripstop polyester and robust, oversized fiberglass frames. Each yard bird includes a sturdy ground stake for easy installation.
    Width: 90 cm / 35

    Height: 100 cm / 39

  5. Magic Wheel Easy Rainbow
    Magic Wheel Easy Rainbow

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    The faszination created by rotating movement of our Magic Wheels will mesmerize you.
    Width: 16 cm / 6

    Height: 50 cm / 20

  6. Paradise Ladybug
    Paradise Ladybug

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Our economical Spin Critters are nice accents to the larger Paradise Critters. Everyone will be captivated by the beauty of these little creatures. Both Spin Critters and Paradise Critters come in a popular variety of styles, shapes and colours. Sit back, relax and enjoy their mesmerizing beauty.
    Width: 42 cm
    Height: 100 cm

  7. Paradise Hummingbird
    Paradise Hummingbird

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Our economical Spin Critters are nice accents to the larger Paradise Critters. Everyone will be captivated by the beauty of these little creatures. Both Spin Critters and Paradise Critters come in a popular variety of styles, shapes and colours. Sit back, relax and enjoy their mesmerizing beauty.
    Width: 42 cm / 17

    Height: 100 cm / 39

  8. Paradise Bumblebee
    Paradise Bumblebee

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Our economical Spin Critters are nice accents to the larger Paradise Critters. Everyone will be captivated by the beauty of these little creatures. Both Spin Critters and Paradise Critters come in a popular variety of styles, shapes and colours. Sit back, relax and enjoy their mesmerizing beauty.
    Width: 42 cm / 17

    Height: 100 cm / 39

  9. Spin Critter enhjørring
    Spin Critter enhjørring

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Decorate your lawn and garden with our amazing critter selection. These winged sensations are designed to spin easy even in the lightest of breezes. Our economical Spin Critters are nice accents to the larger Paradise Critters. Everyone will be captivated by the beauty of these little creatures. Our fantastic selection of highquality Paradise Critters will increase the beauty of your personal surroundings and include a sturdy ground stake for easy installation.

    Sit back, relax and enjoy their mesmerizing beauty.
    Width: 50 cm

    Height: 63 cm

  10. Spin Critter Sheep
    Spin Critter Sheep

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Our economical Spin Critters are nice accents to the larger Paradise Critters. Everyone will be captivated by the beauty of these little creatures. Both Spin Critters and Paradise Critters come in a popular variety of styles, shapes and colours. Sit back, relax and enjoy their mesmerizing beauty.
    Width: 32 cm / 13

    Height: 65 cm / 26

  11. Spin Critter Ladybug
    Spin Critter Ladybug

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Our economical Spin Critters are nice accents to the larger Paradise Critters. Everyone will be captivated by the beauty of these little creatures. Both Spin Critters and Paradise Critters come in a popular variety of styles, shapes and colours. Sit back, relax and enjoy their mesmerizing beauty.
    Width: 32 cm / 13

    Height: 65 cm / 26

  12. Spin Critter Dragonfly
    Spin Critter Dragonfly

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Our economical Spin Critters are nice accents to the larger Paradise Critters. Everyone will be captivated by the beauty of these little creatures. Both Spin Critters and Paradise Critters come in a popular variety of styles, shapes and colours. Sit back, relax and enjoy their mesmerizing beauty.
    Width: 32 cm / 13

    Height: 65 cm / 26

  13. Spin Critter Bee
    Spin Critter Bee

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Our economical Spin Critters are nice accents to the larger Paradise Critters. Everyone will be captivated by the beauty of these little creatures. Both Spin Critters and Paradise Critters come in a popular variety of styles, shapes and colours. Sit back, relax and enjoy their mesmerizing beauty.
    Width: 32 cm / 13

    Height: 65 cm / 26

  14. Spinner Kolibri
    Spinner Kolibri

    Vindspil med motiv af farvestrålende kolibri på glasfiber spyd. Ø45cm, højde 112cm.

  15. Spinner Dragonfly
    Spinner Dragonfly

    Vindspil med motiv af farvestrålende Guldsmed på glasfiber spyd. Ø53cm, højde 112cm.

  16. Spin Critter Påfugl
    Spin Critter Påfugl

    Stående vindspil med motiv af en farvestrålende påfugl.

    Størrelse: Ø32 x 65 cm høj.

  17. Satorn 28 Lighthouse Roter
    Satorn 28 Lighthouse Roter

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Kugel Ø 28 cm
    Gesamthöhe 100 cm
    Gestänge bruchfestes Fiberglas
    Segel PET-Transparentfolie mit Polyester Segeltuch Applikationen
    Eigenschaften UV-beständig und wetterfest
    Zubehör Bodendübel

    Der Satørn 28 LIGHTHOUSE ROTER SAND ist ein Kugelwindrad in bester Qualität. Es wurden ausschließlich hochwertige Materialien verwendet und insbesondere auf eine gute Verarbeitung geachtet. Die Kugel des Windspiels hat einen Durchmesser von 28 cm, die Höhe beträgt 100 cm, inklusive stabilem Stab. Ein passender Bodendübel ist im Lieferumfang enthalten.

    Die einzelnen Segmente der Kugel bestehen aus PET-Transparentfolie mit Polyester Segeltuch Applikationen, so kommt der Leuchtturm im Inneren besonders gut zur Geltung. Vorlage war der bekannteste Leuchtturm Deutschlands: Roter Sand. Auf jedes zweite Segment der Kugel wurde ein Segelboot appliziert. Das Windspiel setzt sich schon bei einer leichten Brise in Bewegung - so entsteht der Eindruck, dass die Boote um den Leuchtturm herum fahren. Eine dekorative Idee, die ein wenig Urlaubsstimmung in den Garten zaubert.

  18. Paradise Flower Rainbow Spraglet
    Paradise Flower Rainbow Spraglet

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Beautify gardens, porches and balconies year round with our spinning wind flowers.

    Width: 35 cm / 14
    Height: 82 cm / 32

  19. Spin Critter Søhest
    Spin Critter Søhest

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Decorate your lawn and garden with our amazing critter selection. These winged sensations are designed to spin easy even in the lightest of breezes. Our economical Spin Critters are nice accents to the larger Paradise Critters. Everyone will be captivated by the beauty of these little creatures. Our fantastic selection of highquality Paradise Critters will increase the beauty of your personal surroundings and include a sturdy ground stake for easy installation. Sit back, relax and enjoy their mesmerizing beauty.

    Width: 32 cm
    Height: 63 cm

  20. Spin Critter Hane
    Spin Critter Hane

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Our economical Spin Critters are nice accents to the larger Paradise Critters. Everyone will be captivated by the beauty of these little creatures. Both Spin Critters and Paradise Critters come in a popular variety of styles, shapes and colours. Sit back, relax and enjoy their mesmerizing beauty.
    Width: 32 cm

    Height: 63 cm

  21. Spin Critter Seal
    Spin Critter Seal

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Decorate your lawn and garden with our amazing critter selection. These winged sensations are designed to spin easy even in the lightest of breezes. Our economical Spin Critters are nice accents to the larger Paradise Critters. Everyone will be captivated by the beauty of these little creatures. Our fantastic selection of highquality Paradise Critters will increase the beauty of your personal surroundings and include a sturdy ground stake for easy installation. Sit back, relax and enjoy their mesmerizing beauty.

    Width: 32 cm
    Height: 63 cm

  22. Spin Critter Seagull
    Spin Critter Seagull

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    Decorate your lawn and garden with our amazing critter selection. These winged sensations are designed to spin easy even in the lightest of breezes. Our economical Spin Critters are nice accents to the larger Paradise Critters. Everyone will be captivated by the beauty of these little creatures. Our fantastic selection of highquality Paradise Critters will increase the beauty of your personal surroundings and include a sturdy ground stake for easy installation. Sit back, relax and enjoy their mesmerizing beauty.

    Width: 32 cm
    Height: 63 cm

  23. Magic Wheel Vortex 50 cm.
    Magic Wheel Vortex 50 cm.

    Beskrivelse fra producenten:

    The faszination created by rotating movement of our Magic Wheels will mesmerize you.
    Width: 50 cm
    Height: 129 cm

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